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  • Writer's pictureFrance Mayotte Hunter

Alexander Me!

Updated: Oct 28, 2019

This is what my client/friend says who contacts me periodically for an energy tune-up. So as we look forward to beginning a new week refreshed and reinvigorated, let's revisit the Alexander Technique and accumulate a few new ideas to bring us into greater balance.

I've been studying and practicing the "technique" for many years and it has become a fundamental part of both my health and wellness and of the Bodymind Method I share with others. As the underlying premise of Alexander is a return to the natural functioning of the body utilizing energy rather than effort, it serves as the underpinning of everything we do as we move through our lives with ease and efficiency. And, as with all aspects of the bodymind, what we create in the body is also reflected in our mental and emotional balance as well.

I wrote in a previous post Head Over Heels about the key concept of the Alexander Technique, the Primary Control-- the head-neck-torso relationship that initiates the proper alignment in the rest of the body, from the top of the head down to the heels. Whereas it is optimal to practice the AT with tactile reinforcement by a practitioner, feeling it on your own is the next best thing. What follows is a simple sequence of a visualization you can add to your daily practice of conscious breathing as well as holding it in your awareness as you move through all of the activities of your week ahead.

1. Begin in a comfortable sitting position, effortlessly aligned with no muscular tension. Practice an aware breathing meditation (Umbrella Breathing) for a few minutes to get the mechanics solid in your body.

2. As you breathe, think also about energy from the sitz bones up and out the top of the head (Basketball Head) to establish the foundation of the Primary Control before moving on to the rest of the body.

3. Revisit Head Heart Balance as a third layer of awareness and begin about a 10 minute sitting meditation (longer if you like), perhaps utilizing your favorite phone app (Insight Timer (free), Calm, the Mindfulness App, etc). When you finish, take your time and come to standing.

4. Once again, find an easy position with no muscular tension in your body, feet hip-width apart weight evenly distributed, shoulders over hips, hips over heels. Remember also to Zip It to find your center.

5. Notice the relationship between the sitz bones and the heels and feel energy coming up from the earth, through the heels, the sitz bones, up the spine and out the top of the head in an arc (a la basketball head).

6. As you maintain these layers of awareness, breathing in through the nose and expanding effortlessly into the belly, visualize your arms hanging heavy off the back of the torso and your legs hanging off the front of the torso (slight bend in the knees) creating a balance of weight from front to back.

7.Add to all of your mindfulness the energetic intention of the knees going forward and the heels going backward. Remember it is the intention and direction you are finding in visualizing the concepts rather than physically doing anything.

8. Take a walk integrating all of these paths of energy-- heels to head, head and heart, arms and legs, knees and heels practicing conscious breathing as you move as well. As you walk forward, notice how the energy of the head and the heels going backward anchors your forward momentum creating stability and balance.

As you prepare your bodymind for another new beginning this Monday, try this and you will breeze through your week with effortless vitality. And let me know what you think!


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