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The In Between

We're all so goal-oriented. Attentive to getting where we need to go, short and long term. We're so attached to schedules and time...

It's In His Kiss

If you want to know if he loves you so It's in his kiss That's where it is Even though the song was released in 1964, the Cher version...

How Do I Love Thee?

The sonnet by Elizabeth Barrett Browning from the 19th century poses an age-old question. And in this month of love, it rises to the...

Did You Know...

1. HOLD THE ICE- Drinking water at room temperature allows the body to use it for hydration without having to first warm it to body...

The Tension of the Opposites

I'm a big believer in balance, physical and mental. As humans though we tend to react to people and situations, especially difficult or...

We Think We're Hangers

I always ask those I coach where they are visualizing their movement coming from whatever the activity. I was surprised to learn that...

What Were You Thinking?

As an embodied person and a catalyst for change in others, I developed a conditioning regimen years ago to optimize my own performance...


I recently stumbled on this word again and I love everything about it; the images it evokes for me, the way it feels in my mouth. Rapture...

Let's Play!

I've thought a lot about living a creative life. As a dancer/choreographer I was lucky enough to experience the need to push my...

Basketball Head

In my post Head Over Heels I write about the Alexander Technique Primary Control; the important relationship of the head to the neck and...

Straighten Up and Fly Right

Lower back pain is epidemic in our society. The fact of the matter is, we sit too much. Driving, at our computers all day long, most of...

Umbrella Breathing

We always hear about the importance of breathing (To Breathe is to Live), but rarely are we told how to breathe. The breath is both...

Look Out!

Have you noticed the number of people looking down these days? Mostly we're looking at our phones, but even when just walking the focus...

Up The Ante

To live a creative life means to continually go beyond what came before. As we think about the opportunity the new year brings for a...

Head Over Heels

The Alexander Technique is a key resource for me in the Bodymind Method, so I'd like to explain simply what it's all about. As to what...

Zip It!

In case you're looking for an idea for a New Year's resolution......I was inspired to write this post after a client of mine volunteered...

Only Kindness Matters

We seem to associate rebirth with Springtime when the earth wakes up and the flowers and trees bloom again. But as we approach the Winter...

To Breathe Is To Live

I am always aware at this busy time of year, that I hold more tension in my body than ever. I have to continually remind myself to...

What The Flux

Recently there was a seismic shift in my life. Actually, there were a few. But one change was what really propelled me into this next...

Mind Your Body

´“To be really man or nature when thinking, one must think with all one’s body.” - Mallarme We hear a lot about the mind-body...


Hello, I'm France

Welcome to The Seasoned Bodymind! I'm happy to share the bodymind experience with you. I invite you to read my blog to find out more about my journey and how you can begin your own bodymind transformation...  

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The Seaoned Bodymind

logo was inspired by

the sacred lotus for purity of heart,the mythical mermaid for fluidity and passion, the rock sculpture for strength and balance and the tiny circle of upward ascending energy and outlook.

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logo proudly created by julesbydesign©

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