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Give It A Rest

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a (wo)man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” I remember my mother saying this to me and hearing it...

All The World's a Stage

I like to describe myself as a performance coach because no matter what we do, it’s a kind of performance. We all perform on various...

Sit. Stay.

I remember when I first started meditating. Years ago when it was considered more of a discipline than a practice. Consistently teachers...

Be Still

I’m lucky enough to be writing this on a boat with five wonderful people sailing the Grenadines in the Caribbean. It has gotten me to...

Best Foot Forward

In my Wednesday blog, Feet First I wrote about the importance of our feet to the rest of our body-- as the foundation of our moving...

Feet First

When was the last time you acknowledged your feet for all they do for you-- pounding the pavement, running your errands, jumping on the...

Come To Your Senses

In my Wednesday post, Smoke And Mirrors I wrote about the pitfalls of taking medication as a quick fix for eliminating the body's warning...

Smoke and Mirrors

The sad fact is that every day more than 130 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids. And the cost of prescription...

Matter Over Mind

I've actually stumbled upon my most important realizations. After years of performing and teaching, a great opportunity crossed my path....

Mind Your Business

The fact of the matter is, times have changed. Businesses and organizations can no longer afford to do things the old way with employees...

Food For Thought

I've been inspired by my research on the second brain since my Wednesday post Gut Reaction. There is hard evidence that the intestines...

Gut Reaction

Ever get butterflies in your stomach before an event or have that sinking feeling when something is about to happen? It's because of the...

Inner Child

Finding strategies for self-acceptance as we Fall And Recover in our lives is important. Many years ago someone facilitated a...

Fall and Recover

If you've been reading my musings lately you can see I'm preoccupied with balance. As a person embodied through dance and other somatic...

Fed Up

It's easy to get disgusted this time of year. Winter seems endless and all of those positive changes from our ambitious New Year's...

Alexander Me!

This is what my client/friend says who contacts me periodically for an energy tune-up. So as we look forward to beginning a new week...

Follow Your Nose

We know that breathing is critical to life itself (To Breathe Is To Live). Because it functions on its own to keep us alive, it is easy...

Ready, Set...

I love Sundays. A chance to kick back and reset for the busy week ahead. I'm big on new-beginnings and like the idea that every Monday...

Response Ability

I keep returning to my fundamental belief that everything in life is a choice. Looking back, my biggest regrets have come from knee-jerk...

Head-Heart Balance

We can design our lives to accumulate experiences that make us who we want to be. Just so, we can choose the important body concepts that...


Hello, I'm France

Welcome to The Seasoned Bodymind! I'm happy to share the bodymind experience with you. I invite you to read my blog to find out more about my journey and how you can begin your own bodymind transformation...  

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The Seaoned Bodymind

logo was inspired by

the sacred lotus for purity of heart,the mythical mermaid for fluidity and passion, the rock sculpture for strength and balance and the tiny circle of upward ascending energy and outlook.

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logo proudly created by julesbydesign©

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