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Bah Humbug!

Don't get me wrong, I'm no scrooge. Quite the opposite. I'm inclined instead to want to make everyone's dreams come true. But raise your...

Common Sense

In my last post, A No Brainer I wrote about how important our deep connection to our senses is to all aspects of our lives-- health,...

A No Brainer

In my previous post EMDR Anyone? I wrote about this body-based form of psychotherapy as a relatively quick and effective way to address...

EMDR Anyone?

I first heard of EMDR Therapy a number of years ago, but it was only recently that I sought it out to experience it for myself. One of my...

Retard (9)

Get this. Turns out, after two years of genetic research on my brother Dan, the only living developmentally disabled sibling and...

Retard (8)

I love it when this happens. At the gym, he asks me if I'm a dancer. Outa' the blue, as if there's a sign on my forehead. I like it that...

Retard (7)

Thirteen marked a big turning point in my life. As much as I was connected to my body, I was reckless in pursuit of exhilaration and...

Retard (6)

Looking back, it strikes me how much we are shaped by the circumstances we are born into. Time, place, belief systems all profoundly...

Retard (5)

There were moments when I was dancing, brief glimpses of feeling euphoric, rapturous. Aware of the momentum of my body carrying me...

Retard (4)

Before they were 30, my parent's lives were devastated by the mental health community's scrutiny about what they did or didn't do to...

Retard (3)

My mother returned from the sanatorium six weeks later, having made a beautiful dress for me for my First Holy Communion the following...

Retard (2)

After Susie went away, my world split in two. There was the sad, confusing world of my home and the happy, exhilarating world of the...

Retard (1)

It's like it was yesterday. Me wide-eyed in that big barkcloth easy chair, giant silver palm fronds on a maroon ground. Wearing red and...

All Work And No Play....

There's not one of us who doesn't cherish our down time. Especially long weekends like Labor Day are an opportunity to gather and...

Bodymind Balance

The concept of balance has been a lifelong fascination for me. What it is, how to get it and keep it and what conspires to throw us off...

JUST DO IT (but..)

The Nike trademark coined in 1988 has become a call-to-action for a generation. This "ultimate statement of intention...turned a niche...

Mending Fences

“I can’t live either without you or with you." —OVID We all know the feeling. As I wrote in my Wednesday post He Said, She Said, conflict...

He Said, She Said

Relationships of all kinds are tricky. Romantic love relationships especially can really boggle the mind. Just when things are going...

Be A Sponge

For many of us, being productive and generative (of ideas, income, value, etc.) is what we thrive on. It's interesting to me, but not...

Born To Be Wild!

This song from 1969 by Steppenwolf became a kind of anthem for the generation born between 1946 and 1964. This extraordinary demographic...


Hello, I'm France

Welcome to The Seasoned Bodymind! I'm happy to share the bodymind experience with you. I invite you to read my blog to find out more about my journey and how you can begin your own bodymind transformation...  

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The Seaoned Bodymind

logo was inspired by

the sacred lotus for purity of heart,the mythical mermaid for fluidity and passion, the rock sculpture for strength and balance and the tiny circle of upward ascending energy and outlook.

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©2018 The Seasoned Bodymind.

Creative Collaboration by France Mayotte Hunter &


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